We obtained summary judgment on behalf of a home improvement retailer in a sexual harassment case involving a current employee of the retailer. Plaintiff argued that the employer should be held liable for sexual harassment because the alleged harasser was not immediately suspended upon Plaintiff’s report of alleged harassment. Our client argued, and the Court agreed, that an employer is not required by law to automatically suspend an alleged harasser and, where an employer takes prompt, remedial action, as done in this case, liability does not exist.
Defense of Home Improvement Retailer in Sexual Harassment Case
Defense of Home Improvement Retailer in Sexual Harassment Case
We obtained summary judgment on behalf of a home improvement retailer in a sexual harassment case involving a current employee of the retailer. Plaintiff argued that the employer should be held liable for sexual harassment because the alleged harasser was not immediately suspended upon Plaintiff’s report of alleged harassment. Our client argued, and the Court agreed, that an employer is not required by law to automatically suspend an alleged harasser and, where an employer takes prompt, remedial action, as done in this case, liability does not exist.