Bass, Berry & Sims attorney Lisa Rivera will be speaking at the American Bar Association (ABA) Criminal Justice Section White Collar Crime Regional Event. Featuring a wide breadth of experience and varying perspectives, the program panelists will discuss how to best navigate parallel proceedings under the Yates Memo. During this 90-minute program, they will cover substantive information, including:

  • An overview of DOJ civil and criminal investigations and how the U.S. Attorney’s office and the DOJ work together
  • How the Civil and Criminal divisions of the U.S. Attorney’s office work with each other in parallel proceedings
  • How statements made in the civil process can have ramifications in a criminal case
  • How corporations should respond to potential charges
  • What to do if your company is the victim

Featured Speakers:

  • William C. Killian, Former U.S. Attorney (Moderator)
  • Robert Gallagher, Partner, PwC
  • Dean Kinsman, Cyber Squad, FBI Nashville – Memphis Division
  • Jennifer Peters, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, LifePoint Health
  • Lisa S. Rivera, Member, Bass Berry & Sims PLC
  • Edward L. Stanton III, Partner, Butler Snow LLP

This program is co-hosted by the ABA Criminal Justice Section, PwC and Bass, Berry & Sims. It will be held on Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at the Nashville office of Bass, Berry & Sims from 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. with a reception to follow after the program. It is pending approval for 1.5 hours of CLE credit.