Obtained a favorable dismissal for a non-profit dialysis provider in an employment discrimination claim filed by an employee who had been terminated for refusing to submit to a flu shot despite working directly with patients, which was in violation of important company policy. The EEOC has taken on some of these claims on behalf of employees making religious objections, but this was an accommodation issue. We guided the employer in providing the employee an option of wearing a mask as an alternative accommodation to receiving a flu shot, but the employee refused to wear a mask due to disability. There was no religious objection raised, and we were able to obtain a favorable ruling.
Dismissal of Discrimination Case Against Non-Profit Dialysis Provider
Dismissal of Discrimination Case Against Non-Profit Dialysis Provider
Obtained a favorable dismissal for a non-profit dialysis provider in an employment discrimination claim filed by an employee who had been terminated for refusing to submit to a flu shot despite working directly with patients, which was in violation of important company policy. The EEOC has taken on some of these claims on behalf of employees making religious objections, but this was an accommodation issue. We guided the employer in providing the employee an option of wearing a mask as an alternative accommodation to receiving a flu shot, but the employee refused to wear a mask due to disability. There was no religious objection raised, and we were able to obtain a favorable ruling.