We represented a global aerospace and defense company in an extensive federal False Claims Act (FCA) investigation into complex commercial and sole-source pricing issues related to parts and services provided to the federal government under various sensitive defense contracts. The investigation involved conduct spanning almost a decade and implicated operations in multiple countries. We successfully navigated challenges associated with sharing information across borders and obtained a favorable settlement with DOJ for our client, while avoiding any action by the relevant suspension and debarment authorities.
DOJ Investigation of Global Aerospace and Defense Company
DOJ Investigation of Global Aerospace and Defense Company
We represented a global aerospace and defense company in an extensive federal False Claims Act (FCA) investigation into complex commercial and sole-source pricing issues related to parts and services provided to the federal government under various sensitive defense contracts. The investigation involved conduct spanning almost a decade and implicated operations in multiple countries. We successfully navigated challenges associated with sharing information across borders and obtained a favorable settlement with DOJ for our client, while avoiding any action by the relevant suspension and debarment authorities.